Linda Verde Elementary School44924 North Fifth Street, East
Lancaster, CA 93535(661) 942-0431
Lancaster, CA 93535(661) 942-0431
Linda Verde Elementary School is located in Lancaster, CA and serves grades K-5.It received a GreatSchool rating of 2 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
Student Diversity
Pacific Islander
Native American
Two or more races
Reviews4 Reviews
Linda Verde was awesome 15 years ago and according to parents in the neighborhood they still are, keep up the great work!!
Very bad school in a very bad low income level. That is why it has a score of 1; can't get worse. The office staff is very rude. The teachers try, but they don't have much to work with. In this very ethnic school, the kids often mirror their parents--I use the term parents loosely. If they were actually parenting, this school wouldn't be a disaster. Listening to the parents talk and watching their behavior, it is no wonder their kids are having trouble. Disgusting!
WAS a great school. As of yesterday, September 7th 2011 - Linda Verde opened its doors, only to shock parents and students alike with severely overcrowded, combined grade level classrooms. Scores of parents continue to protest at Linda Verde Elementary School in Lancaster. I am a parent who knows the school well; as 2 of my older children have now promoted from Linda Verde to Middle School. Nothing like this has ever occurred and it is an outrage. I watched in horror as my daughter ( who is an excelled student with many awards for academic achievement and should now be in 2nd grade ) was placed into one of these overcrowded split grade level classrooms - grades 1 and 2. She reported that she was not allowed to play at recess nor have lunch with other children in 2nd grade, albeit her classmates. She is humiliated as she has already been teased about being in a "1st grade" class. School officials are giving parents the "run around" as to why our children must endure these circumstances. One employee stated to an already agitated parent that the school is "holding back" some of the students as in repeating the grade they were just promoted from ?! A cover up?