33 out of 10GreatSchools

Bernard Black Elementary School

Phoenix, AZ
  • Public
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  • Grades K-8
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  • Enrollment: 689


Bernard Black Elementary School
6550 South 27th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85041
(602) 604-1380
Bernard Black Elementary School is located in Phoenix, AZ and serves grades K-8.It received a GreatSchool rating of 3 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Native American
Two or more races

Reviews6 Reviews

We had our Grandsons there and pulled them out. It's a very bad school. I went as far as contacting the school district and as of yet nothing done. My Grandson had his phone snatched from his hand while on the school bus. He ran to the bus driver for help and the bus driver yelled at him to sit down or get off. Next day my husband went and spoke with the vice principal who informed him since it didn't happen in the school it wasn't there responsibility. It happened on the school bus which makes them responsible. Get you're children out of that school for their own protection. My Grandchildren now go to South Pointe Elementary school best decision we've ever made. My Granddaughter started school for the first time and at Bernard Black I was worried about her going there. If anything happens to her on the bus they say there not responsible and then my Grandson was put on the wrong bus at one time. He was only 5 their bus drivers don't care about our children and could have left him anywhere. That's just to name a few. So much happened in their short time there.
Pulled my child out of school, she was in kindergarten. She had good grammar before going to that school. While in school she grammar went to pot. Teacher disliked her and we tried to communicate with her. It did not work. Way too much home work for a little child to take home with them. Seemed more like home schooling with the amount they took home. Grammar school needs to REALLY work on grammar. Now we can't undo the poor grammar damage she was taught in that school.
Bernard Black School is a GREAT school. The whole staff is working harder than ever to make sure the children are being well educated. They have before & after school programs and activities for the kids. I see that parents are more involved and are always welcome. I am very impressed with the turn around of the school in the last couple of years. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
My kids went to school at bernard black and the teachers they had were grade!!! The coaches are wonderful
Showing 4 of 6 Reviews