77 out of 10GreatSchools

Ironwood Elementary School

Tucson, AZ
  • Public
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  • Grades K-6
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  • Enrollment: 624


Ironwood Elementary School
3300 West Freer Dr
Tucson, AZ 85742
(520) 579-5150
Ironwood Elementary School is located in Tucson, AZ and serves grades K-6.It received a GreatSchool rating of 7 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Native American
Two or more races

Reviews11 Reviews

Ironwood has done a remarkable job with my autistic son... both the Gen Ed staff and spec ed teacher have been focused on helping him meet goals at his own pace. Their speech therapist is top notch. Dr. Abrams also welcomed our outside clinical staff into the school, so that we could align home and school programs. Great place to send your kids, and the best elementary school in Tucson
This school has done an awesome job with my non verbal son. The special Ed teachers are awesome.
I cannot imagine why people are saying kids with ADHD or problem children are treated unfairly, or Hispanic/minority children. Really? My children have issues, we are Hispanic, and we love Ironwood. Other parents may be looking for excuse for why their child is not excelling anywhere. I have seen firsthand, the care they take with difficult children, and the love they offer. If a child has behavior issues, they form a plan to help that child lear and grow. Really now people, are you really going to blame the school?
My Son went to Ironwood Elem. for kinder & half of his 1st grade year. The school is beautiful, in a nice neighborhood and has a cute feel to it. My nieces and nephew also attend Ironwood currently and my Sister has no complaints. As for me, I did not have the best experience. My Son is a handful but I feel like instead of wanting to help him they pushed him away as a problem child. I had a psychologist write a recommendation for a 504 plan & they DENIED it. His kindergarten teacher left me a voicemail that i still have saying, "I am done with him". So with my personal experience I'd say with a child w/o behavioral/education delays that Ironwood is a decent school. But if your child isn't "perfect" try elsewhere. Maybe another state that takes education seriously :)
Showing 4 of 11 Reviews