Architecture Firms Reimagine the LA River's Downtown Stretch
The revitalization of the Los Angeles River is ongoing, with a lot of players involved in the various projects along the 48-mile concrete channel. But the latest concepts around altering the areas around the river bank may be the most transformative yet for Los Angeles.
As Urbanize notes, the City of Los Angeles worked with seven firms to reimagine portions of the river through Downtown LA. Each stretch receives a different touch, with additions such as art and community areas, additional walkways, playgrounds, and more.
Whether or not these new visions will ever to come to fruition remains to be seen. Still, here’s a rundown of what each firm brought to the table:
AECOM: 7th Street to Olympic Boulevard

The Department of General Services and Sanitation gets some new amenities with this proposal. Along with those come additional bridges, walkways and bike paths, plus dining and play areas.
Chee Salette: 1st Street to 4th Street

This plan connects the riverbanks via several pedestrian bridges while adding a promenade area, new walkways, a park, and an overlook. Smaller gardens add to scenery and the various walking and biking paths stress accessibility throughout.
CH2M: Cesar Chavez Avenue to 1st Street

Along with additional bike and walking paths, CH2M adds Metro improvements to fix congestion issues in the area.
Gruen Associates: Barclay to Spring Street

This proposes additional green spaces on both sides of the riverbank, as well as new bike and walking paths. The focus is on transportation around the river with connection to Elysian Park and points northeast.
Mia Lehrer + Associates: 4th Street to 7th Street

Mia Lehrer + Associates emphasize the water elements of the river, with attention to detail on stormwater capture and improving water quality. Access areas along both sides of the bank would increase accessibility and create a cohesive community near the river. The new parks and promenades would provide areas for both land and water activities.
Tetra Tech: Olympic Boulevard to 26th Street

Grass parks, pedestrian walkways, and bike paths would line this entire section of the river. The bridge would also function as an attraction for overlook views and as a dining area as well.
WSP: Spring Street to Cesar Chavez Avenue

WSP hones in on bringing the atmosphere of the local area (including the Brewery Art Walk) onto the riverbank. The design features public art installations and open greenspaces, plus new walkways and bridges to connect the river directly to the surrounding community. The multi-use public space put forth would allow for children’s play areas, bike paths and staggered seating. Small bridges would connect the banks of the river for pedestrians as well.