The Obama Foundation plans to build an above-ground parking garage on the Midway Plaisance of Hyde Park. Area residents alongside nonprofit Friends of the Parks (FOTP) are arguing that the parking structure should not be built on parkland, according to Streets Blog Chicago

FOTP has launched a campaign and online petition called “Save the Midway.” The nonprofit has previously clashed with the Obama Foundation. When the presidential center was initially proposed for Jackson Park, the nonprofit argued that it should be located on vacant land near Washington Park instead, according to the report. 

FOTP joined the Obama Community Benefits Agreement Coalition, which aims to guide the development of the Obama Presidential Center.

Rendering courtesy of Obama Presidential Center Parking Garage

“To further promote an emphasis on the interrelatedness of the many issues that the Obama Presidential Center-inspired revitalization proposals represent and to bolster efforts to protect greenspace, Friends of the Parks is formalizing its role with the South Side groups that comprise the Obama Library Community Benefits Agreement Coalition,” the nonprofit said, according to the report.

The CBA Coalition has proposed a “Sustainability and Transportation” strategy that calls for more of a focus on improving public transit options that could take people to the presidential center.