Urbanize LA recently spotted an initial study from the Los Angeles Department of City Planning, showcasing new renderings of the proposed Times-Mirror Square redevelopment project in Downtown LA. The plans would mean two new towers on Broadway between 1st and 2nd streets, replacing the 1970s Los Angeles Times headquarters expansion — while leaving the original buildings intact.

Onni Group, which is handling the redevelopment plan, calls for the new towers to stand at 37 and 53 stories high, respectively. Those towers would house over 1,100 residential units, plus 34,000 square feet of commercial space, and 285,000 square feet of office space. Parking would also be created as part of the project. 

Ironically, the Times-Mirror Square complex may end up not including the Los Angeles Times at all. Last week, Urbanize LA reported that the paper will be relocating its headquarters to Financial District Tower at the completion of its current lease. The Los Angeles Times has disputed that report, however, though did state that it was only under lease until June 2018 (though could continue in its longtime space afterward if it so chooses). 

A proposed construction timeline for the Times-Mirror Square complex would take place from 2019 through 2023. Current plans would still need to be finalized before that begins.