33 out of 10GreatSchools

Villacorta Elementary School

La Puente, CA
  • Public
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  • Grades K-6
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  • Enrollment: 420


Villacorta Elementary School
17840 Villacorta Street
La Puente, CA 91744
(626) 964-2385
Villacorta Elementary School is located in La Puente, CA and serves grades K-6.It received a GreatSchool rating of 3 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native American
Two or more races

Reviews6 Reviews

Villacorta is a really great elementary school. I have two boys that both currently attending this school. The old Principal was a really great Principal which was very much loved by parents, students and staff. He really loved his students and was always positive. However this year they got a new Principal and just when you thought you couldn't get a better principal for the students, the new principal which happens to have his doctorate degree. (Impressive) Was a former next door neighbor Giano Intermediate which is a middle school vice principal which was in charge of disciplinary. He has experience with handling behaved students. He is quite different from the old principal but not in a bad way whatsoever. The student respect him in a way that they aren't afraid to go to him for help or just to chat but in a way that they don't want to miss behave and disappointing him. My kids say he's not mean, he's strick and strick is good. He encourages the students to be their best, to work hard and to truly believe that anything is possible. He has changed the school by adding more opportunities for the children. He's added music class for all students which I think it's a fantastic add so the children are more exposed to more things than just your basic elementary coarses. Hopefully he keeps adding coarses and options to give the children more opportunities as well as exposure and experience in their first chapter of school. The structure, stability and discipline he brings to the children at this school is just amazing. This was and is one the best schools in my opinion both Principals, teachers and staff really do strive on ensuring the children's academic success.
All four of my children have gone here. Two currently still attend here and we are all very happy with this school. The principal and staff are amazing. My children have all excelled In this school. Can't say enough good thing about this school.
my son has gone here for kinder and is now finishing up 1st grade. kinder was fine, nothing especially great or bad but this year was no good at all. my son has adhd and i refuse to get him on any medication unless as a last resort. the school put absolutely no effort into trying to help my son with any special needs he may need and the teacher began to target him for any little misbehavior. he is ending the school feeling labeled as a bad kid that can't do anything right even though he has told me that he noticed the teacher would make him move his behavior card down for the smallest things but when one of the "good" kids did something bad, the teacher would simply tell them it was ok. my son does very well academically. his only issue is that he he a hard time paying attention and staying on task- he has too much energy. i tried to talk to the school about putting him in a classroom with a teacher with more experience with kids like him but they didn't help. he would finish his assignments early and get in trouble for going ahead and then not paying attention. completely unfair. no accommodation or effort to a child's needs!
I am not happy as a parent with the test scores from this school, as a parent I expect more out of the teachers, I know things are different then when I was in school and the class rooms are larger due to CA budget problems, but it seems that the teachers don't put in the effort to help the kids understand what they are learning, how are the kids going to pass the states TEST if they don't understand how and why they are learning what they are learning.
Showing 4 of 6 Reviews