66 out of 10GreatSchools

Fair Oaks Elementary School

Oakdale, CA
  • Public
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  • Grades K-6
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  • Enrollment: 859


Fair Oaks Elementary School
151 North Lee Avenue
Oakdale, CA 95361
(209) 847-0391
Fair Oaks Elementary School is located in Oakdale, CA and serves grades K-6.It received a GreatSchool rating of 6 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Pacific Islander
Native American
Two or more races

Reviews4 Reviews

My two children attend Fair Oaks and we have had great experiences with ALL of there teachers. They also attend after school program where they receive help with their homework. I have a child in band and another in GATE, both are structured programs. I have no complaints at all.
I have 2 children that have attended Fair Oaks during the 2012-13 school year. I have been extremely disappointed with both the teachers and administration. The administration seems to be very unorganized, temperamental and unresponsive with action. When you talk to them, they will tell you what you want to hear, then never take action. I have not had experiences with many of the teachers but, with little exception, they have been ornery with me and my children. I have worked in the classrooms and continue to have sub par interaction with the staff I encounter. I would not recommend sending your children to this school and plan to move my kids to another elementary in the district. Last week my older son said he watched movies all day at school. :( Not impressed.
My husband and I visited this school because our daughter will be starting Kindergarten in August. We asked the office staff if a tour would be given to new parents and students and if we would be able to meet the kindergarten teacher. The woman working in the office told us no that if we wanted to know anything about the kindergaten class we could stand outside the fence during school hours and watch the children play during recess. It seemed as if we were irratating her and she was rude, unhelpful, and unfriendly. My husband and I wonder if she treats parents in this manner how is she with children. We will be searching for a private school instead of enrolling or daughter at Fair Oaks.
I like the school it might not look as new as you would hope, but the new kid on the first day already has a friend 1 or 2 days in. I have been going to Fair Oaks since I was in Kindergarten and sadly this is my last year I have loads of friends and the teachers are GREAT the PTA rocks and try so hard to make the school a good place and they have done a good job. Our principal and vice principal are awesome! They have amazing rules that likes others to some students might not be fair but really they are because all you have to do is follow them! I hope that if you attend Fair Oaks that you child has many friends and a great year!