77 out of 10GreatSchools

Rudecinda Sepulveda Dodson Middle School

Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
  • Public
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  • Grades 6-8
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  • Enrollment: 1716


Rudecinda Sepulveda Dodson Middle School
28014 Montereina Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
(310) 241-1900
Rudecinda Sepulveda Dodson Middle School is located in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA and serves grades 6-8.It received a GreatSchool rating of 7 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native American
Pacific Islander

Reviews22 Reviews

The dean at this school is incompetent in dealing with bullying and conflict resolution between students. Instead, they isolate the students from one another which causes further contempt between them, instead of sitting them down and letting the kids apologize to one another. When an issue does occur, an "investigation" is done. They basically interview other kids that may have knowledge of the incident. But usually the kids just protect their friends. When my child needed social and emotional support due to "roasting" and bullying, they never provided any. The counselors are a joke. When the principal left this year they never told the parents. There is a major lack of communication to parents. The magnet program is not difficult at all. My son was an honor roll student who was barely challenged.The one positive thing about this school are the teachers. The drama dept is amazing and the electives are abundant. But the environment between students is very poor. I will never forget how they failed my son!
The administrator Mrs. Aiello in charge of bullying is unprofessional, and a bully herself
School management is unwelcoming to parents. This is true from the principal to the teachers (some exceptions). Teachers lack empathy and do not monitor bullying. It is known among parents that some teachers will "have it in" for the student if parents complain about them or if the student raises concerns about them. This makes it an environment where bullying is fostered by default.There is a lack of support for students with learning differences. I have never seen a school with such a poor reception to students with special needs. Dodson in one word: disrespectful.
This school is completely overrated! My son was in 6th grade magnet and a just a few months into 7th grade before I transferred him. We couldn't take it anymore. Teachers are horrible at communicating and they have a grading system (jupiter grades) that they don't update regularly. Regularly as in they were 2 months behind. What's the point right? His 7th grade magnet math teacher told parents at back to school night "I don't give homework or a lot of classwork because that would mean 200 papers to grade. I don't have time!" I'm sorry, if their teachers didn't have time, then my child definitely doesn't belong at their school. I transferred immediately! My son is thriving at his new school with teachers and administration who actually care. Send your kids elsewhere, this school will set them back years.
Showing 4 of 22 Reviews