88 out of 10GreatSchools

Hawthorne Elementary School

San Diego, CA
  • Public
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  • Grades K-6
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  • Enrollment: 246


Hawthorne Elementary School
4750 Lehrer Drive
San Diego, CA 92117
(858) 273-3341
Hawthorne Elementary School is located in San Diego, CA and serves grades K-6.It received a GreatSchool rating of 8 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Pacific Islander
Two or more races

Reviews21 Reviews

We have been part of the Hathorne family since 2012. This has been a wonderful environment for learning for both of my children. My older daughter started as a 2nd grader and is now in High School and my younger started in K and is now a 5th grader. all of the teachers are fantastic, the seminar program is great as are all of the programs offered. Great leadership with the newer Principal Robinson. We were there through a lot of coming and going Principals and through it all, the teachers were fantastic and really lead the school. Having her join made things even better. Great option for neighborhood school or to choice into.
My family has been attending Hawthorne since 1967. My sister, her daughter and son and now my grandniece. I have seen the difference in how the children have been taught over the years. I am amazed at the high quality of education my grandniece is receiving in kindergarten. She is working at 1st grade level with daily homework assignments. She loves this school and her teacher.
My children started school at Hawthorne in 2015 this is our neighborhood school and we decided to give it a chance. As a parent we all want the best for our children and one of my biggest concerns for me is safety. Second, I wanted them to be around well behaved kids (no bullies). As far as their education goes, I decided from the very beginning that I would take an active role in my children’s learning. Teachers and staff are faced with a difficult job daily and really don’t get enough support.Almost 5 years at that school and I am very proud of what they have accomplished. They made it to the 2020 list of California’s Distinguished schools!! The campus is always secure, they believe in building character and this foundation is important in preparing our kids for their future. It’s a small community which encourages a it’s members to have fun and to get involved. I am most proud of our Principal Miss Lauren Robinson. Her passion and dedication truly is heartwarming. She is extremely hands on and is easy to talk to. She’s often in front of the school before and after to ensure all is going well for drop off and pick ups. You’ll even meet her parents mom and dad Robinson; they are so supportive and helpful and it’s always a pleasure to see them on campus.Remember I was concerned about safety? Every morning a staff member is at the drop off zone and the front gate is secured as soon as school begins. After school the staff stays out front until each student has left campus. If any student is left waiting, that staff member walks them to the office.
I cant emphasize the importance of the seminar program for gifted students. These students are special needs students who have been taught to harness their intelligence and taught to succeed. I give all credits to these two teachers in my childrens' academic success!
Showing 4 of 21 Reviews