44 out of 10GreatSchools

Smythe Elementary School

San Ysidro, CA
  • Public
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  • Grades K-6
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  • Enrollment: 647


Smythe Elementary School
1880 Smythe Avenue
San Ysidro, CA 92173
(619) 428-4447
Smythe Elementary School is located in San Ysidro, CA and serves grades K-6.It received a GreatSchool rating of 4 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity




Reviews7 Reviews

Here is my rating: Principal ok, PE, office & cafeteria staff poor, most teachers poor, (seems like they are more concern about fashion than teaching, some wear really high heels and lots of make-up to class), parent involvement, null. School staff always complaining about money and school supplies problems but what about all the Book Fairs, carnivals and Xmas gift shops they have all year? Bad experience with this school, changed school.
Ms caracoza is a wonderful teacher!! Can't say the same about the front office staff they seem to understand why they work there if they don't like there job!! There so rude and disrespectful so much lack of knowledge
The average class size is NOT 20 but 28 for one teacher and no assistant. Kids are really not able to take advantage of growth and different kinds of hands on instruction . a video and a book can only go so far. There is more available out there for them to explore and experience which would help them. Extra activities and field trips are non existent, It really all comes down to how can we pack them in the classrooms. I have not had other experience with other schools so I cannot compare. Some of the staff seems to be in the wrong occupation in choosing to deal with children . Don't go in for a band aid the teachers doing the best with the hand they are given...I applaud them!!!!
I agree with one of the comments below. I've gone into the office a few times and the people who work there have 0 work ethic, I hardly doubt they went to school to learn. They are very disrespectful, and have lack of knowledge. Unfortunately the teachers seem to be the only ones that care, too bad that it doesn't make a difference on the overall performance of the school
Showing 4 of 7 Reviews