88 out of 10GreatSchools

Walnut Elementary School

Walnut, CA
  • Public
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  • Grades K-5
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  • Enrollment: 660


Walnut Elementary School
841 South Glenwick
Walnut, CA 91789
(909) 594-1820
Walnut Elementary School is located in Walnut, CA and serves grades K-5.It received a GreatSchool rating of 8 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Two or more races

Reviews10 Reviews

Fantastic! Communication with teachers and the quality of their teaching.
Be prepare or a lot of home schooling if you want your child to learn.
I have had 9 teachers and not one has disappointed me or my kids. I see them at fundraisers not just to help correct a wrong but to raise our spirits. They offered chinese after school for the kids that missed the dual immersion program. My oldest loves choir. Both my kids have had art and keyboarding. They enjoy PE, an excellent librarian and JiJi math. We started a garden club and recycle program. Every grade has had at least one field trip. Which I understand the average cost is over $700 which no district can provide, it comes strictly from grants and fundraisers. I see the principal thinking outside the box constantly. I imagine it is not easy to please 450 plus students, their parents and a staff. I'm not a fan of the food, so I pack lunch. Which I don't understand the allergy remark because if my child brings peanut butter they are the one who has to sit in a special area because the principal doesn't want to point out the kids with allergies. If that's not being sensitive to someones circumstances I don't know what is. I remember my teachers instructing from blackboards, white boards and overheads, again I don't see how an interactive smart board is a step down.
Wow! I just read a review rating Walnut El. with 1 star accompanied by a scathing report. This has inspired me to voice my opinion. This school has gone above and beyond for my children. With funding being cut everywhere, programs to benefit students have also been cut, but the principal and staff have come up with innovative ways to fill the gap. This school definitely focuses on the "whole" child. My children have received life-long skills and frequently come home excited by activities the school has instituted which are being supported mostly through outside grants the staff sought out and applied for like recycling/composting at lunch time, yoga, art class, etc. I also have personal experience with the special ed. team. We were denied much needed services from the county and another district, but Walnut El. welcomed our family with open arms. Everyone from the principal to the adaptive PE teacher have gone the extra mile for us. This school does have a huge parent involvement that the staff encourages and supports. I volunteer in the classroom when I can and am inspired by the student learning. I'm especially grateful for the technology they have access to here!
Showing 4 of 10 Reviews