88 out of 10GreatSchools

Newton Middle School

Littleton, CO
  • Public
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  • Grades 6-8
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  • Enrollment: 0


Newton Middle School
4001 East Arapahoe Road
Littleton, CO 80122
(303) 347-7900
Newton Middle School is located in Littleton, CO and serves grades 6-8.It received a GreatSchool rating of 8 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Black, non-Hispanic
Native American or Native Alaskan

Reviews17 Reviews

I've been at Newton for almost 3 years, and I have mixed feelings. The staff is either very hard to approach or very easy. Also many of the teachers do not make a very fun environment for their classroom that is easy to pay attention to. The administaters are very rude and not friendly to students or parents. Also some punishments are very unnecessary and ridiculous. Many kids have gotten SUSPENED for cursing or using their phones during the school day. Over the years I've also found it very hard to fit in anywhere. Many of the students define themselfs and there friends as in "groups" and you have to know them for a while or get to know them to be officially part of their group. Also ones you in a "group" it's hard to combine with other groups. Overall Newton is a ok school, but there are defiantly better schools out their.
Our son moved from Lenski Rlementary to Newton. We heard mixed reviews of the school but are very impressed by the quality of the education and the school itself.
I have a daughter who is in 8th grade currently. She is in excelerated classes and has had a good experience and education at Newton. Teachers and staff are ready to talk with you and respond promptly to e-mails. PTO is great but low key. Facility is dated but all of Littleton School District is. They will get a new playground this summer with grant funding. We are so happy to have this school nearby. My daughter takes the school bus to school. I will have another daughter in 6th grade here next year. We like that it is smaller than other middle schools in the area. I went as a chaperon to New York City last summer with the school band and chorus on a site seeing trip. They go to Washington DC too. Great experience for the kids. The principal, teachers and staff really care about the kids. My daughter has grown and learned so much. I am happy she has liked her middle school experience.
This is the best public middle school in the state of CO. Just look at their results vs the rest of the state. The staff is dedicated to the students and the parents are really involved in the school curriculum. I have one child in 6th grade and had one who is now excelling in high school (IB Program).
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