99 out of 10GreatSchools

Air Academy High School

Usaf Academy, CO
  • Public
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  • Grades 9-12
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  • Enrollment: 0


Air Academy High School
551 North Frontage Road West
Usaf Academy, CO 80840
(719) 234-2400
Air Academy High School is located in Usaf Academy, CO and serves grades 9-12.It received a GreatSchool rating of 9 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Black, non-Hispanic
Native American or Native Alaskan

Reviews17 Reviews

Air Academy High School is a grades 9-12 high school located in the northwest of Colorado Springs, on the grounds of the Air Force Academy and at the base of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Rated the top Colorado public high school by Colorado Great Schools. It offers a wide variety of unique programs, including an Engineering Pathways program, the only ROTC program in District 20, AP and Honors classes, the top 4A band program in Colorado, and vocational training programs through the AVP/Pikes Peak Community College program. Air Academy High School has a long tradition of academic and athletic excellence, having won a myriad of state championships over the past decade. With a wide variety of clubs, organizations and volunteer opportunities, Air Academy High School offers students the chance to explore many avenues of career and personal growth.
AAHS is a great platform for any student whether college bound or entering the workforce. As a 1978 graduate, I can attest to the excellence of this school. Academics, Sports, Music, etc. "It's a matter of pride" is one of their mottos and was true then as it is now. Go Kadets!!
Definitely not an awful school, but could be better. Whether or not you have good classes just depends on the teachers you get. I don't really like how they've changed the schedule, and I wish they had more places for students to go during academy or a partial that they could study quietly if they want. However, I do think it's pretty cool that band is more of a big deal at this school than others and is actually appreciated.
I hate this school. I regret coming here. Some of the teachers aren't too bad, and some are worse, but I certainly did not feel welcomed by the other students when I was new here. I have had bad experiences ever since. This just isn't a good school for me.
Showing 4 of 17 Reviews