88 out of 10GreatSchools

Berryhill Elementary School

Milton, FL
  • Public
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  • Grades PK-5
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  • Enrollment: 858


Berryhill Elementary School
4900 Berryhill Road
Milton, FL 32570
(850) 983-5690
Berryhill Elementary School is located in Milton, FL and serves grades PK-5.It received a GreatSchool rating of 8 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

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Reviews5 Reviews

The school is Berryhill Elementary in Milton, Florida. The thing that impressed me most was how helpful the staff was that I had a chance to meet and how they seem to take the safety of ALL the children the same for each child. The homework assignments are very organized for the students and helps the parents know what is expected each day. The only concern I have and I have questioned this and received no answer to date - is: "Why does the school system let the children out so early in the day? How will they get the need information to graduate if they do not go to school the entire day as the schools in the surrounding states?" Other than these questions I think the school is very adequate at teaching our children and WE as parents, grandparents and concerned citizens should support the school and the students in every way possible.
The teachers and office staff have been great. My disappointment is the lack of parental involvement. There simply are no ongoing, regular opportunities to volunteer-just the once or twice a year fundraisers. None of my children's classes even had sign up sheets for room parents. Teachers are missing out on valuable help from parents who are left wondering "what can I do to help?". Other schools we've been at had well organized, well advertised opportunities for involvement which created a classroom environment in which parents and teachers knew each other and parents felt welcome. I miss that camaraderie which is a shame because it is the students who benefit from knowing their parents and others see their education as worthwhile.
We moved here specifically for my child to go to this school and I have been pretty disappointed. This school "ain't all that". This is our second year here and I have to agree with the April 2011 reviewer. I have had a similar experience with the main office. It's pretty much a clipped "you're bothering me" response, or I get no answer at all. I was allowed to change my child's bus number after school without even producing identification. I didn't think about it until after I'd left. The lady never even asked my name! The saving grace last year was the teacher. Awesome lady, great communication. This year it's totally different. Teacher will not respond to my notes, much less call me as requested. They don't seem to want me in there, but they sure don't mind asking for money every time I turn around.
is there a kindergarden graduation ceremony at berryhill elementary? if so please please e-mail me the particulars.
Showing 4 of 5 Reviews