77 out of 10GreatSchools

Shalimar Elementary School

Shalimar, FL
  • Public
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  • Grades PK-5
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  • Enrollment: 666


Shalimar Elementary School
1350 Joe Martin Circle
Shalimar, FL 32579
(850) 833-4339
Shalimar Elementary School is located in Shalimar, FL and serves grades PK-5.It received a GreatSchool rating of 7 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

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Reviews11 Reviews

The teachers and staff care about your children! They are professionals and dedicated to learning themselves!
I can attest to the fact that the school counselor did not say the learning disability didn't matter. What was told to the parent was that our county does not recognize dyslexia for ESE services but that other avenues would be followed to allow for the best learning envirnoment for the student. Shalimar has excellent staff and students. Learning and student needs are a top priority at Shalimar.
We are a military family who transferred from North Carolina. I have never been so disappointed in a school program. My son is in the 3rd grade and unfortunately he suffers with dyslexia which makes academics difficult for him. The teachers and the counselors ONLY concern is the FCAT testing. They teach taking a test rather than actual learning skills. Then when your child has a hard time with the FCAT they fail them. I was actually told by the counselor my son's learning disability didn't matter. FCAT is what matters. I have a daughter graduating from college with honors, another in her 2nd year of college (Dean's list) and two in high school (one in AP classes the other in early college). We have been in four different states and never once have I had such a hard time with a school program. And yes, one of my daughters actually had a hard time in school with reading when she was younger. The school (Fort Meade) helped her not made her feel stupid. Now she is on the Dean's list at Medical College of Virginia. Amazing what a good school program can do.
My son has attended kindegarten and is now in the middle of his 1st grade year at Shalimar. He test above average in every metric, an extremely smart child. Even still this year his 1st grade teacher is dreadful. She has no patience and is swift to give out zero's and F's to first graders without offering assistance. 1st graders as we all know are age 6-7 and very active. This teacher is unable to handle the class and very rude to the children, raises her voice and rarely smiles (which goes a long way with kids). Because of this I am pulling my son from her classroom and this school and enrolling him into a different school. I am heart broken that my child had to experience such awful teaching but we will overcome this.
Showing 4 of 11 Reviews