44 out of 10GreatSchools

Hampton Middle School

Hampton, GA
  • Public
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  • Grades 6-8
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  • Enrollment: 949


Hampton Middle School
799 Hampton Locust Grove Road
Hampton, GA 30228
(770) 707-2130
Hampton Middle School is located in Hampton, GA and serves grades 6-8.It received a GreatSchool rating of 4 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races

Reviews4 Reviews

If you’re considering moving to Hampton, I wouldn’t if I had school-age children. This school is the worst school my child has ever attended. We moved north of Atlanta and my child’s new school has much better leadership and teachers. There is a lot of bullying at this school and teachers play favorites. My child came home crying everyday. Parents are not informed of anything going on at the school and teachers act like it’s an inconvenience to answer an email from a parent. There isn’t a gifted program here, but there is one at my child’s new school. No orchestra here, but there is at my child’s new school. Music and arts don’t matter here. They’re all about sports here. I think the new principal is trying to improve the school, but he can’t do it alone.
Henry County Schools are on a decline over the last few years. Regardless of manufactured test scores or insignificant achievement awards; this school is horrible for the children. The "bully-ing" problem is beyond control and the administration acts blind to it. (This includes repetitive comments on clothing, shoes, electronics, hair, food, sports, ANYTHING!) The constant segregation and harassment endured by my child is ridiculous. He is not the only one either. If the problem is brought to someone's attention it will be your child's fault in the end. Nevermind the fact that the majority of the generation sent to our public schools now are raised by non-disciplining / electronic raising "adults". Somehow it's "OK" to allow our teachers to babysit all day rather than teach. I am very disappointed that the teaching/learning is not to my standards. I am even more upset that the lack of maturity and humanity in the children attending this school is not being addressed properly. The priority should be access the child put in your public school before you ignore them and fabricate learning with no books. Why don't you really listen to the things being said when the kids walk "the circle of love" because you won't let them in a classroom to even sit without a teacher present. If the loud ones are laughing it's probably because another kid is the joke. This was seen some in elementary, now in middle, so I'm sure it's in the high school. Society is a disgrace and the root of the problem is lack of education. Try to sit in the gym or lunchroom with these kids; they have no respect, dignity, or compassion.
This school is good- I like the fact that you are able to find out how your child is doing. The teachers have no problem emailing you about your student. They do not let students pick out there own elective classes. It would better for students to choose there own elective classes that would give them some responsibility. They need more after-school activities, tutoring and a few more sports. Overall I'm satisfied with the education my child is getting at this school.
I'm sorry to say but I think the parents should be more informed of what's going on with their children. There should be more parent-teacher meetings. The front office should be better informed as to what is really going on because I was miss informed about a couple of things at the beginning of the year. There should be better communication between all concerned.