77 out of 10GreatSchools

Sugarmill Elementary School

Saint Marys, GA
  • Public
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  • Grades PK-5
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  • Enrollment: 544


Sugarmill Elementary School
2885 Winding Road
Saint Marys, GA 31558
(912) 882-8191
Sugarmill Elementary School is located in Saint Marys, GA and serves grades PK-5.It received a GreatSchool rating of 7 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races

Reviews4 Reviews

School choice is a beautiful thing Sugarmill may have great test scores but the numbers are more important that the students
This school is lacking in so many things. There is no creativity in this school, no extracurricular activities such as art or music, there are not even out of school field trips. My sons last field trip was to the park down the road in kindergarten. Nothing was done the last two years. They constantly fundraise. Already within the first month of school, they are asking to fundraise through a Mountain something or other fundraiser, send in your box tops, send in your change, buy pizza here, get chick fil a there.... Pretty soon they will force the kids to draw something and then send it home plastered on glasses, totebags, etc to make you buy your child's forced drawing (all kids have to draw the same thing)... on an item. it will go on and on. The fundraising never ends at this school. And tell me. Where does this money go? It doesn't go toward art programs, or music programs. Where exactly does it go?! I cannot stand this school. The reason they score so high on tests is because that is all they care about. The kids are not really learning anything, they are just fed information to take tests to make the school look good. It's pathetic. I wish more parents would speak up. They also only get approx 10-15 minutes of recess. However they make it look good on the schedule and it shows that they have it for 30 minutes. However, they pair it up with bathroom break and after they have 20 something kids go to the restroom... they have 15 minutes left to play. Honestly, don't let the ratings fool you like it did us. We are considering moving to another school. Just like a lot of parents did last year. Which is why Crooked River had such a huge influx of students this school year. Don't buy the hype.
I love Sugarmill. We have just moved from another state and the growth that my kids have shown in one year has been amazing. My son went from being below grade level to , two grade levels ahead in one year. I look forward to seeing how they grow over the next few years.
My son is in Kindergarten and is learning so much! His teacher Ms. English is exceptional and very caring. She has been so embracing and truly takes care of her students.