88 out of 10GreatSchools

Terrace Elementary School

Des Plaines, IL
  • Public
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  • Grades K-5
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  • Enrollment: 209


Terrace Elementary School
735 South Westgate Rd
Des Plaines, IL 60016
(847) 824-1501
Terrace Elementary School is located in Des Plaines, IL and serves grades K-5.It received a GreatSchool rating of 8 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

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Reviews6 Reviews

We really like this school and our daughter is thriving there. Teachers, parents, and principal are all very involved. We've been impressed with the curriculum and instruction. Also, their before and after care program for working parents is very good and keeps the kids entertained and having fun. My only complaint (and this is really a complaint for the district overall) is that they only offer a half day Kindergarten program. Mrs. Schaefer does the best one could possibly do with what she has been given, but 2.5 hours per day is not enough instruction time. And the extended day K program offered through the district is a joke; it's glorified babysitting. We will be putting our younger child in a private full day K program unless they move to a full day format before that time.
Great school! Teachers are very dedicated. My kid absolutely is geting great school experience and is making such a big progress each year. Way to go Terrace!
Excellent elementary school with a "small town" feel. Small classroom sizes, attentive and caring staff ... great experience so far. Looking forward to many years with our children at this school. Mrs Schaefer is a fantastic kindergarten teacher.
The student body of Terrace is pulled mostly from the less troubled areas of Des Plaines. Kids who attend there as a whole come from good families with the intention of learning. My child will be finishing there this year. It's been a great 6 year experience. We are happy to have her grow up with down to earth kids, who are mostly well behaved, not bratty, and without any bullying issues. Kudos to Mr. Becker for making a big difference and a very positive influence in this school.
Showing 4 of 6 Reviews