66 out of 10GreatSchools

Fullerton Elementary School

Baltimore, MD
  • Public
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  • Grades PK-5
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  • Enrollment: 608


Fullerton Elementary School
4400 Fullerton Ave
Baltimore, MD 21236
(410) 887-5234
Fullerton Elementary School is located in Baltimore, MD and serves grades PK-5.It received a GreatSchool rating of 6 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native American or Native Alaskan
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Reviews16 Reviews

Principal only deals with a certain clique of parents, if you need assistance hopefully your child has a great teacher or the vice principal is available
Great school. The teachers are amazing.The teachers truly care and attempt to offer a diverse and interesting school experience for the kids.However...Parking is nonexistent. It is now November of my son's kindergarten yeat and we have yet to meet the principle.They make it beyond difficult for any working parent to come in for any kind of activity. Everything is during the school day and there is little flexibility.We have yet to have any evening family activities like concerts, etc.Baltimore County School District in general is making it difficult for the teachers with the no homework and lack of consequences for behavior and attendance.BCSD needs to give the reigns back to the teachers, the principal needs to be visible to parents.
I wish I knew then what I know now...'' This school is fine if you need your kids to attend public school, and you have no other choice. My child attended Fullerton for two years, and although she was happy with her teachers, I was appalled at the communication standards between principal, teachers, and parents. Although I joined the PTA immediately upon my child's Kindergarten enrollment, I was never once contacted by the PTA, the principal, or any other administration. I was never involved in any decision-making, most likely due to my status as a full-time working parent, even though I made it clear that I was very interested in becoming involved with my child's class. I never met the principal (interesting enough), but every time I saw her at ''family'' functions, I was appalled that she was dressed unprofessionally. (Short skirt, tall boots...for a principal? Hmm.) School functions are highly unorganized and infrequent, at best. My child was bored and under-challenged in class. I didn't realize how disadvantaged we were until moving out of state. 3 https://www.greatschools.org/maryland/city/378-school/ 2400956 1321712 student 2013-05-15 00:00:00 -0700 Sherwood is a somewhat great school. I attended from 2006-2010. I'm current at Towson U. They have some great teachers, while others need to find another job. First of all, Sherwood is clique". ESOL kids stay together, jocks have a pact, and so on. Trust me...I was one of them. Most students there pour in from Rosa and Farquhar...which pour in from Olney, Belmont, Greenwood, Sherwood, and Brooke Grove. So most of us have been together for years. If you're lucky, you remain friends. Second of all, Sherwood prides itself on academics. They offer a variety of honor and AP courses. Also, they just started a new system where students can choose an area of interest in business, hospitality, engineering, technology, science, arts, or humanities. Apparently, they stay in this area and take courses relating to it for the remainder 4 years. But don't listen to me...I don't go there anymore. There are many academic clubs for students to choose from and the competition makes it even better. Thirdly, sports teams are ok...don't care too much for them. Fourth, diversity is great. Students there are from a variety of cultures. Fifth, our principal is awesome. Lastly, food sucks.
Both of my daughters went to Fullerton (one is in College now). My younger daugher went there K-2nd. We just moved out of state this year and didnt realize how great we had it until now. My daughter loved Fullerton, flourished every year. The school has a great ability to create an appropriate combination of social and academic excellence. They kids a friendly, nice engaging to new students (which is on its own an important part of the entire school experience). The social, fun part of school is never forgotten. Other schools are so worried about test scores being up to par that they make kids miserable while they are there and totally ignore the fact that happy children will be more product and better learners. Teachers all take their time and explain concepts, test scores are good and the environment is so positive and happy! My daughter cried last night that she wished they "had a Fullerton here" - heartbreaking- we will never take a great school for granted again. Kudos Fulllerton you are a model for other school to follow. We now may have to enroll in private (expensive) school to have a similar experience.
Showing 4 of 16 Reviews