66 out of 10GreatSchools

Wyandot Middle School

Clinton Township, MI
  • Public
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  • Grades 6-12
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  • Enrollment: 952


Wyandot Middle School
39490 Garfield Road
Clinton Township, MI 48038
(586) 723-4202
Wyandot Middle School is located in Clinton Township, MI and serves grades 6-12.It received a GreatSchool rating of 6 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races

Reviews9 Reviews

I have gone through two years of Wyandot and I'm about to start 8th grade tomorrow. I have never had any problems about Wyandot and I always come home with a smile because of my friends and my teachers' support. I am mostly fond of the assistant principle Mr. Joe Connolly for having a great sense of humor and always helping kids out and having fun with the kids by putting on dodge ball and basketball games each year for fundraisers. I LOVE Wyandot!!!!!! If are are sending your child to this wonderful school. They will always be supervised by teachers at after school clubs such as the hawk singers, volunteens, drama, ski club, bowling club, etc. The teachers are very helpful and kind and they will do their best to support your child's education. The sports programs are also very fun. I myself did football and had a blast, and will be trying out for the 8th grade basketball team in the winter. Coming from me, a STUDENT and any other kid at the school right now, you should send your kid to Wyandot Middle School. Don't listen to the 1 star reviews because they DON'T know what they're talking about! BUT I DO! So send your child to Wyandot Middle School!!!! - Submitted by a Student
This was y daughters first year at Wyandot and she LOVES this school. It has so many things for her to get involved in as a 6th grader and now with next year so much more. So thankful for the wonderful staff.
This school has a principal that could care less. There are a group of bullies that continually harass the children and the teachers are so non-communicative. Parents beware if you plan on sending your child to this institution.
I have been at Wyandot since sixth grade and am about to move on to high school. My expierience at Wyandot has NOT always been very great. Although for the most part my teachers have been great but my learning expierience has in most cases been awful. The first thing i'd say if you are moving your child from an Elementary School to Wyandot you SHOULD ttryout for advanced Math. I was in regular Math and found it way to easy and slow-pased. The teachings really did not feel like they should have and do not help you get ready for high school. This goes for many other classes aswell. Next to principals, there are currently two assistant and one main one. The main one seems, from my perspective, to sit at her desk all day and I say that because I have only seen her about eight days after going to the school for three years. The assistant principals seem to be alright, sometimes punishments can be harsh but seems alright. Next you may think this is ridiculous but pack your own lunches. They are now doing a 'Stay Heathy!' program but I think if Pizza and frozen food are served every day it is pretty unhealthy. Finally, Wyandot is a okay choice of a school although there other choices.
Showing 4 of 9 Reviews