88 out of 10GreatSchools

Winchester Elementary School

Northville, MI
  • Public
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  • Grades K-5
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  • Enrollment: 505


Winchester Elementary School
16141 Winchester Drive
Northville, MI 48168
(248) 465-2400
Winchester Elementary School is located in Northville, MI and serves grades K-5.It received a GreatSchool rating of 8 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Native American
Two or more races

Reviews17 Reviews

We love, love, love Winchester. Both my kids have had very positive experiences. There is a great community feel, the parents are involved, teacher invested and the Principal, Mrs. Lindsey, works so hard to make sure her students are thriving and safe. Our son was invited to the Advanced Learning Program (ALPS), but opted to stay at Winchester because he couldn’t bare to leave his school and teachers. Both my kids have scored very high on NWEA tests and read at a higher grade level. We think Winchester has done a fantastic job in dealing with virtual and in-person teaching in the 2020-2021 school year. Teachers and administrators have been thrown into an incredibly difficult situation, and Winchester has handled it all very positively. Districts around us have utterly failed and got things so wrong for students, parents and teachers. Winchester kids are thriving, like they always have, despite this extreme and challenging situation.
Fair. Expected so much more. Would love to see some good leadership in this school.
Winchester is a wonderful school. I am not surprised by some reviewers who complain about superficial problems such as clicky moms and lack of iPads. These things do not make/break how a school performs. Northville school district out performs many surrounding districts year after year in test scores and this foundation begins at an elementary level. I have three children, two in elementary in 4th and 2nd grade and a preschooler in the early childhood program. I hear complaints about surface issues...other parents, poor paint jobs, asking for too much money, etc. I have been astounded and proud to send my children here every year. My sons are challenged with work I find incredibly hard for their grade level. The staff is superb year after year. The support staff is amazing as well. In any situation. You get what you give. Their job is to educate and grow our children. They do that incredibly well and with passion. So yes, some peeling paint can take a backseat. I could not care less.
Warm, caring environment. Teachers, students, staff and leadership seek to provide an outstanding education for kids! Strong communication is valued.
Showing 4 of 17 Reviews