66 out of 10GreatSchools

Black Elementary School

Sterling Heights, MI
  • Public
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  • Grades K-5
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  • Enrollment: 483


Black Elementary School
14100 Heritage Road
Sterling Heights, MI 48312
(586) 825-2840
Black Elementary School is located in Sterling Heights, MI and serves grades K-5.It received a GreatSchool rating of 6 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Native American
Two or more races

Reviews14 Reviews

The teachers are good. Some very good. Because of them and my child's friendships (minus the person who keeps bullying him) I would (and might) stay in the school. Too much is being disregarded though, and the principal's response after pleading with her several times to protect my kid from this bully was to just move him to a different school if I didn't think she did a good job. We never see any compassion, not even an apology when they call to say my child was absent 4 hours after I dropped him off at school (which gave me a full blown panick attack). 'Everyone makes mistakes, that was the answer. Thank God he was there and he is fine, but how would any parent feel to get that message, FOUR hours after dropping their child off? The list continues, but I don't want to make this too long. I gave it 2 stars because, again, most teachers are great. Otherwise, after the year we've had, I would give it one star (because 0 isn't an option). Choose wisely. If I had to do it again, I would pick Wilde Elementary in a heartbeat. Their principal and staff are great.
My former school was merged into Black this year. Fillmore was a smaller school with lower student populations. I clearly understand the reasons, but was reserved when it was initially announced. As the first year combined is coming to a close, it has been wonderful. The teachers and administration has spent tireless hours creating a new school. Not simply merged school. The office staff is wonderful, as well as the teachers. Everyone truly want our children to excel, develop and learn.
Sticking it out to see if it gets better. Not overly fond of principal but if the teacher this year was very new to the district. Things will get shifted around next year hoping there will be some improvments.
Black Elementary is an outstanding school. It is one of the top performing schools in the district and has been for more than ten years. The staff is highly motivated and maintains high expectations for all students. They work together across grade levels to make sure that students are prepared for what's ahead. Teachers differentiate instruction to meet the needs of individual students and work with intervention teachers to help struggling students. The administrator believes in the teachers making curriculum decisions and encourages them to drive the school improvement process. She supports both teachers and students and also maintains high expectations for all. I will be bringing my child to this school when he is school aged because I believe in this school's ability to not only prepare children for the future, but they make it a truly enjoyable place to learn. The relationships that are built here last far longer than just from grades K-5.
Showing 4 of 14 Reviews