33 out of 10GreatSchools

Jessie Mae Monroe Elementary

Ash, NC
  • Public
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  • Grades K-5
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  • Enrollment: 439


Jessie Mae Monroe Elementary
250 Pea Landing Road Northwest
Ash, NC 28420
(910) 287-4014
Jessie Mae Monroe Elementary is located in Ash, NC and serves grades K-5.It received a GreatSchool rating of 3 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Native American
Two or more races

Reviews7 Reviews

Zero. had to call the police on the principal, an aide & 2 teacher's.The kindergarten teacher was amazing
Many of the reviews for this school are old. I honestly used to be nervous about sending my child here because of what I saw on this website, but it's all nonsense. This school is not a 2/10 school by a long shot! Many of these type of ratings tend to show unfavorably on lower-income areas. JMMES is in a rural, retiree-type area. There are children from all walks of life here. Do not be afraid of negative reviews. The facility is CLEAN and well maintained (the janitorial staff here rocks!) There are many playgrounds all around the school that the kids play on. They have events, dances, and fun activities for the children pretty much every month! My son and my niece LOVE their school!The key to ANY school is to be INVOLVED, be KIND, and be SUPPORTIVE for your community. Jessie Mae Monroe has proven to be more than I ever thought it would be, and I am so glad I can send my child here.The staff is kind, knowledgeable and capable. I feel confident every day when I drop my son and my niece off at school, and that confidence grows with every report card and smile at the end of the day. Don't believe the negative reviews. They usually come from people wanting others to raise their child or who have had a single bad experience with one person in the school and suddenly "The whole lot of them are bad!" DO NOT BELIEVE IT. Send your kid to school here with confidence. It really is a great little school!
This school is terrible. Last year we were told in February that they wanted to hold my daughter back. This was the first I was hearing about an issue. What I was told was that the teacher had 30 kindergarten students and didn't have time of all of them. As you can imagine I left that school in tears. I decided to put my house on the market and we moved to a different school district. After being at a different school this year I can really see a difference in a school where the staff really cares instead of just collectioning a paycheck. At Jessie Mae the problems seem to come from the administration and effect the staff. I would find an other option rather than sending my kids to this school.
This school is nothing like what you hear on the negative side. I will admit I was apprehensive as well but am so pleased after this past year and am looking forward to those ahead. The staff is kind and friendly. The teachers are committed to giving the best to your child. They are there bright and early and many can be found there after 5. Even the custodians care deeply as the school was rated 'most clean' 2015-16 school year! I would totally recommend to anyone who asked!
Showing 4 of 7 Reviews