77 out of 10GreatSchools

Strath Haven Middle School

Nether Providence Township, PA
  • Public
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  • Grades 6-8
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  • Enrollment: 881


Strath Haven Middle School
200 South Providence Road
Nether Providence Township, PA 19086
(610) 892-3470
Strath Haven Middle School is located in Nether Providence Township, PA and serves grades 6-8.It received a GreatSchool rating of 7 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races

Reviews7 Reviews

Strath Haven Middle School is an excellent school if you are looking for the best education for your child. I moved to the district from another local district. I am so happy I did. My daughter enjoys her school and she tells me how her teachers make learning so much fun. The resources they have here are the best and the staff is phenomenal. They work as a team to help your child. The high school also made Blue_Ribbon again this year. The Wallingford -Swarthmore District is amazing. -Happy Parent of a 6th grader
Strath Haven Middle School might seem like a great place, but the number bullies is unbelievable. Eight out of 10 students are being harassed and bullied each day and it happens everywhere. The bullying happens in the halls, buses, cafeteria, recess, and even during class. Bullying consists of threats, assault, and cyber bullying. The faculty prevents bullying in a small way, but they don't have consequences to prevent further bullying. The faculty just gives the bully a detention usually, or a suspension. The school should teach kids how to respect each other and have a better system to prevent bullying. Strath Haven Middle School is a good place, don't get me wrong, but they should prevent the bullying more.
I had one daughter go through the Wallingford Swarthmmore School district and she is now a 2nd year college student. I also have a middle school-er. We have been generally pleased with the district and level of education as a whole. I feel that great school are a product of a great neighborhood and parents who are engaged in their child's learning. My second child is having a completely different time in SHMS than the first child. the new school building is wonderful but school renovations or lack there of had no bearing on the great education the kids received years ago, it is really great teachers and a wonderful community that makes great schools. So glad we live here and are a part of the WSSD community
I am so pleased withthe education that my daughter is getting at SHMS. The classes are diverse, and I really feel taht she is being challenged in many different ways by the curiculum. The music and foreign language programs are great. The extracurriculars are amazing and really allow the chidlren to explore different options of what they might like to pursue. Amazing school. I recommend.
Showing 4 of 7 Reviews