66 out of 10GreatSchools

St. Clair Area El/Middle School

Saint Clair, PA
  • Public
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  • Grades K-8
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  • Enrollment: 533


St. Clair Area El/Middle School
227 South Mill Street
Saint Clair, PA 17970
(570) 429-2716
St. Clair Area El/Middle School is located in Saint Clair, PA and serves grades K-8.It received a GreatSchool rating of 6 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races
Native American

Reviews4 Reviews

Would not recommend school and sadly due to a few bad staff! When you have to have out side agencies go into the school to see what’s going on because your kid is so depressed and they tell you things the staff are saying and how these other kids start trouble and your kid gets the fall smfh. Not worth the years of fighting!
My child was bullied by a teacher named Gary Rumberger. This teacher has a criminal record and is a known woman beater.
My child is one who catches everything that goes around and I always turn in Dr. notes and follow my childs doctors advice to keep her home. The doctor does know what is best. I send the notes in with my child when she goes back to school. I can't help it if the amount of absent days go past the allowed 10. So I get a note sent home from school saying now I must supply a Dr's note every time my child is sick. Umm, I guess they never read my other Dr. notes? Well she has gotten sick past her 10 days with what appeared to be a cold or flu coming on with fever. Something that I know the doctor wouldn't treat (yet) so I kept her home without a getting a doctor note. I figure it this way, the doctor visit without insurance is $135. I don't have it. So I would have to commit insurance fraud to make it affordable to me just to please the school. Nope. I am not going to do it. I push the rule. If they harrass further, I know I will pull her out and put her in computer school. Her health will always come first. Her teachers have always harped on her for missing so much school. How can you harrass a kid with medical concerns? Isn't this bullying? St. Clair needs more caring teachers.
They "lose" Dr. excuses and penalize parent/child for being out due to illness/surgery/recovery/birth defect. Incomprehensibly rude! I'm pulling all 3 kids out to school with Agora (online public school) even though it creates more work for me and I lose free breakfast and lunch for the kids. Teacher bullied my child and remedy was to have homeroom teacher and bully pull my child into the hall, question her, and make her write an essay on what they can do to make her life easier. How would you feel if your bully pulled you out into the hall?!!!! What would you write? Ummm..."My life would be easier if I give you my allowance and kiss your ring each day when you enter the room." ??!! I really think the superintendent handled that badly. Having to bring a child with a fever of 101 in to the school nurse so she can verify he's sick enough to be out of school is baloney. I took his temp. I can see the dark circles under his eyes, see that he's miserable, tired, aching, lethargic, and that he doesn't need to be out riding around on a bus or in a car. He needs to be in BED. But the school wants him brought in to see the nurse, or ELSE.