88 out of 10GreatSchools

James And Margie Marion Elementary School

Allen, TX
  • Public
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  • Grades PK-6
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  • Enrollment: 729


James And Margie Marion Elementary School
1595 Stablerun Drive
Allen, TX 75002
(214) 495-6784
James And Margie Marion Elementary School is located in Allen, TX and serves grades PK-6.It received a GreatSchool rating of 8 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Native American
Two or more races

Reviews14 Reviews

Good teachers and administrators. Provides a variety of programs.
Strong PTA. Offers programs that focus on multiple facets instead of just academics. Both my kids enjoy the school so far. There is no undue pressure on them in the name of competition - can be good and bad depending on the kid's needs. Diverse mix of students gives an opportunity for the kids to be understanding and find common ground at an early age. ISD can do better on the infrastructure for the school.
Just heard there was an indident of an attempted abduction on a 5th grader or in all fairness I should say a man was following her home on 2/4/2016 enough to scare the girl and force or to walk back to school and alert the crossing guards. Thankfully they acted fast and alerted police who caught the man driving away quickly. If any of you parents were at school picking up your kids I am sure you saw the swarm of police. That post of the parent being concerned about their 5 year old walking home alone doesnt seem so crazy. What is crazy is that I heard of this news from my children, the crossing guards and my neighbors. Why didn't the school inform us? Great school? I am outraged that no word went out in an email. I dont want my 5th grader walking, especially when situations do happen and we as parents are kept in the dark. Shame on you Marion
Marion Elementary School is a campus where teachers, staff, and administrators work with parents to partner in education. My two children have attended Marion Elementary since 2006. I am proud for my children to attend Marion Elementary.
Showing 4 of 14 Reviews