66 out of 10GreatSchools

Celina Intermediate School

Celina, TX
  • Public
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  • Grades 3-4
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  • Enrollment: 309


Celina Intermediate School
507 East Malone Street
Celina, TX 75009
(469) 742-9104
Celina Intermediate School is located in Celina, TX and serves grades 3-4.It received a GreatSchool rating of 6 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native American or Native Alaskan
Black, non-Hispanic
White, non-Hispanic

Reviews7 Reviews

The security at this school is terrifyingly sparse. I went in to put money on a school lunch account, and (being the step-parent of the child) has never been inside the building before. I was not asked for ID, and they told me to "just go on into the cafeteria". When I said I didn't even know where that was, they pointed me in the direction, rathere than escorting me. I'm NOT yet on the child's paperwork, so they have NO clue who I am! I was directed down the hall past students, into the cafeteria full of students, and left on my own to find the right person in the cafeteria to pay. They didn't have my name, ask if I had weapons, etc. I was smart enough to leave my ever-pent pocket knife in my car (outfit habit with my own kids' schools). But they had no idea what I did or did not have, nor how to identify me if they needed to. I am gravely disappointed with this school, and I fear for the safety of the kids should someone come in there with malicious intent! Want my babies out of there!
We have two kids here, and, as others have mentioned, there's a distinct resentment of newcomers. Many kids are the chilren of other teachers and coaches, and the level of favoritism is remarkable and obvious. Sports at the HS are pushed above all, while funding for specialized learning assistance as been slashed, Additionally, Celina is extremely proud of its overwhelmingly Protestant and quasi-fundamentalist nature, to the point of many district administrators and employees publicly decrying the separation of Churrch & State, and teachers & principals administering discipline based on who they "know are good Christians" from their churches versus those who don't attend. It's pretty oppressive if you're not a "fundie" yourself. Academics focus on worksheets upon worksheets, "teaching to the test", etc. Bottom line is we sold our home of 5 yrs just to get our kids out of this bigoted rathole
Celina Intermediate is a great school! The teachers, support staff, and administrative staff are wonderful and provide the very best educational environment for my child.
After moving to Celina in '07, we were so happy with the teachers, staff and administration! Great school & Awesome place to raise your family!
Showing 4 of 7 Reviews