66 out of 10GreatSchools

Ronald R Albrecht Elementary School

Brodhead, WI
  • Public
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  • Grades PK-5
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  • Enrollment: 467


Ronald R Albrecht Elementary School
1400 21st Street
Brodhead, WI 53520
(608) 897-2146
Ronald R Albrecht Elementary School is located in Brodhead, WI and serves grades PK-5.It received a GreatSchool rating of 6 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Two or more races

Reviews4 Reviews

Excellent experience. Teachers are very caring, principal knows students by name.
My son is in Kindergarten and I have been thrilled with his teacher. She cares so much and always has positive and constructive feedback. She gives tools to work with if your child has some areas they need to improve in. I have had a very favorable experience so far with this school.
This administration is clueless when it comes to discipline. They continued to give out of school suspensions to my eight year old who has learning disabilities and informed me that I needed to put him into day treatment for psychological issues. When I complained, they refused to evaluate him in house and said that it was not in their area of expertise. So much for free and appropriate education!! Moreover, I did take my child to a psychologist, and he informed that my child was fine. I really feel like that administration of this district could really benefit from some basic classroom management training and special education instruction. I have worked and observed in many school districts, including an inner city one and have never observed one with such a warped view of discipline and special needs students.
if your child has learning disabilities worse school you can pick is this one they force you to hire a advocate before they do anything that your child needs they will argue without one and refuse to do anything and tell you they dont have to they also have teachers that are mean to kids and parents have complained and school does not do anything