77 out of 10GreatSchools

Oak Creek East Middle School

Oak Creek, WI
  • Public
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  • Grades 6-8
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  • Enrollment: 983


Oak Creek East Middle School
9330 South Shepard Avenue
Oak Creek, WI 53154
(414) 768-6260
Oak Creek East Middle School is located in Oak Creek, WI and serves grades 6-8.It received a GreatSchool rating of 7 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Native American
Two or more races

Reviews5 Reviews

I feel very safe sending my child here. Teachers and Administration communicate well and seem very dedicated on creating a safe and healthy learning environment.
This school has fairly decent teachers. Ive noticed a multitude of teachers giving up on their classes, rolling their eyes at slower learning students, and a general lack of care in what they are teaching. Although i have had one or two spectacular teachers, who take things slowly but not too slow, make sure their students are prepared for tests and quizzes and show respect to students. i do have a problem with this schools choice in forgien language teachers, one teacher was only recognized as fluent in english one week before they began teaching! The students at East are rude, disrespectful, inconsiderste, and older grades run through the halls and bulldoze younger students over. What do teachers do about that? ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING!!!!! if you are a parent thinking about moving your child to oak creek I HIGHLY recommend you do not
We sent our son with autism there for summer school in June 2014. On the first day of summer school, they lost him. He was outside wandering for 2 and a half hours!!!!!!!!!! The first teacher assured my husband she had his IEP and was aware of his needs. She never bothered to make sure he got to the second class. He never showed up to the second class, and the office never called us to notify us of his absence, which is a policy. If your child has special needs and goes here, good luck......
administration at this school is horrible!!! No support for students or parents either for that matter. Would not recommend this school for anyone!!
Showing 4 of 5 Reviews