33 out of 10GreatSchools

Garnet J. Robertson Intermediate School

Daly City, CA
  • Public
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  • Grades 5-8
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  • Enrollment: 178


Garnet J. Robertson Intermediate School
1 Martin Street
Daly City, CA 94014
(415) 467-5443
Garnet J. Robertson Intermediate School is located in Daly City, CA and serves grades 5-8.It received a GreatSchool rating of 3 out of 10
This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Student Diversity



White, non-Hispanic
Black, non-Hispanic
Pacific Islander
Native American or Native Alaskan

Reviews11 Reviews

The school is not wealthy therefore resources are very limited and when given, sacred. As a graduated student, I cannot say that you'll learn the same material as other public schools in the city or the Bay Area as a whole, but I can promise you that you'll learn life-long lessons here. Again, this school is not wealthy but this school allows you to have another persepective. It allows students to piece together their identity and passions. These students are intelligent, kind and simply stunning. Are these the children that come from well resourced private schools? No, but they are the students that have the potential and ambition to seek for more. The teachers here are all loving beings that strive to give their students the best of the best. A school like this may not have green bills but they do have aspirations. When students from this school become lawyers, artist, entrepreneurs, medics and so much more, I hope you can refer to this comment and say that it was first said here. Thank you for taking the time to read this humble comment.
Administration is ineffective and disorganized. High teacher turn over. Disrespectful students.
The Staff And TEACHERS Make Sure THE STUDENTS And PARENTS come first. If a child is having a problem the staff will see to it that student will get all the help they need to pass. There all different programs for the students to take to fill their requirements.
I think this school is a great school because since it's a small school students and teachers except people for who they are. I think it is a very professional school that teaches children about very important life lessons as well as being ready for high school by teaching children whats wrong from right and what to and not to do. Teachers there are also very helpful with programs that they have such as, after school program, and life lessons programs and all sorts of things. I think it's a very good school it may be small but that doesn't mean it's unprofessional. And I don't think anything needs to change at that school i think it's outstanding just the way it is.
Showing 4 of 11 Reviews